As some of you may notice, that until a couple weeks ago, there was a big gap of several months between blog posts.
I was in a pretty bad car accident in August, can't say much about it until everything settles out. I will probably never be back to normal, even my normal of when my fibromyalgia is in remission (which sometimes gives me a few months of being Almost Normal). I've been flaring pretty badly, everything takes me 2x longer to get it done, and have NEW chronic pain issues.
Last week I finished Physical Therapy, which gave me flexibility, some strength back, and the use of my right knee again. I'm still going to the chiropractor, but at this point it's all "palliative care" ("all we can do now is try to help manage the chronic pain")... today was the regular doc, who is keeping me on the pain meds and muscle relaxant even though I hate how they make me tired all the time. I'm trying to stay decaf too, but um... I've cheated on that a LOT lately.
ALSO, regarding things happening here in Wisconsin... I hate what our new Governor is doing to our lovely state, and the people of our state. However, I am SO PROUD of the working people and the peaceful, tidy (no litter, they clean up after themselves!) of the protesters. ON Wisconsin!
On the UP side creatively, I am showing my work at more Scifi conventions, coming up soon Oddcon, and Gaslight Gathering, and others as the season picks up.
I haven't heard from Wiscon yet, even though I applied through their jury process back in December. Even a "No" would have been nice.
I've also been knitting and crocheting outfits for Ball Jointed Dolls as seen in my pre wreck posts, the range of doll sizes I'm working in has expanded a little bit over time too. Sometime this week I'll have a sparkly white 1920s style outfit for Littlefee/YoSD sized dolls done. Yay!